24 hours |
français It was 4: 30 am as i suddenly woke up. I was dreaming that i was at home with my mother but as i woke up i realised that it was just a dream. I hardly tried to sleep again without success. My alarm clock went on at 5h30 am. Although i am used to wake up early i stayed in my bed stretching myself and turning allround. In my country people usually get up early and get ready to start their activities. I got off my bed at 6h00 am wore my shoes and went for a jog on the football ground beside my house. The average life expactancy in my country is of 50 to 60 years. In Austria or even in Europe people leave generally longer probably because they do more sports. I took my shower at around 6h30 am, got dressed and went to have some breakfast (milk, eggs, bread, butter, jam...) in the kitchen. At home the usual breakfast is made of doughnuts and porridge. After taking my breakfast, i took my bag and leave for school. I consider school a necessity for everyone. In my country school is not an obligation, parents have to advice their children and show them why school is very important. Thats their way to fight against analphabetism. I think that every child should be obliged to go to school. School finished at 3h00 pm, i just stopped at a coffee bar with some friends. As i pulled a chair to seat down my eyes crossed those of a white girl who kept on looking at me. At the time she left the coffee bar, she just came to me and said to me: ugly neger!! I just tried to calm down and did as if i didnt hear anything about it but i was very shocked and i just thought about home. My friends told me to go home and they were very angry against that girl. That day, it was Tuesday in January at around 4h00 pm as i was walking up the Mariatrost hill to visit my friends. Suddenly it was raining and i met an old man (around 70 years old) who was also walking up the hill. He carried a bag and was trying to auto stop, but nobody stopped to take him with. So i just went to him and offered him to share my umbrella with him. He immediately accepted and i walked with him until he had reached home. As i was ready to go he gave me 1000 Schilling which i refused first but as he instisted i had to take it and went to my friends. At 6h00pm i was seating in front of my tv watching an austrian movie in which people were eating. I realised that Austrian love to eat a lot of fat. I personnaly prefer to buy vegetables because its hearthy according to me. In that movie there were a lot of beautifull blond girls so that i started to dream. One of them got married and from that day on i cant stop dreaming about such kind of girl. There are a lot of girls in Austria who attract my interest, but i didnt dare to talk to them because i didnt speak very well German. In my country, if a man wants to marry a girl he has to make an offer to her parents, which means that he has to meet her family members ( parents, oncles and aunts...). They make list af all the things he will have to buy and they give him a dateline when he has to bring the offers. At the given date members of family meet and the man who wants to marry their daughter will have to give his offers as requested. He will eat chicken ( as a special dish just for this occasion - chicken means strength and purity) served with red wine and palmwine. During the wedding ceremony representants of each tribe have to bless the bride and groom by putting their hands on the bride and grooms head. The husband shouldnt see his wife before the ceremony. Most of the time the ceremony takes place at the girls home, because this is the occasion for her to say goodbye to her family. Sometimes when i wish i was with my mother again. Just because when i always came back from school she had done everything and cooked tasty dishes. I never went to shopping or did anything similar. Unfortunately we are leaving far away from each other and i have no choice as doing everything all by myself. At the beginning i couldnt beleive i was doing all of this just by myself , i even was ashemed sometimes!! But today i realise it is fine and ok to do it since i am old enough. It was yet 8h00 pm, the movie was at his end and i had to do my homeworks. What i found of interesting about that movie was to see how the husband was helping his wife in doing everythin. This is not very common in my country. Women do everything, men dont really help! I can remember as i was ten years old my mother used to do everything without my father. She used to wake up at 5h00am and started to prepare the breakfast, afterwhat she had to clean the whole house and had to cook. She had to work like that everyday and it was painfull for me to watch her work like that. I even cried sometimes but she never saw my tears. After watching TV i was having headaches and a little bit fever. And again i thought of my mother who always went away to get some herbs anytime i was feeling bad. She used to heat some water with the herbs and as soon as i drunk it i felt better! It was yet 10h00 pm and i decided to go to bed. At home they say the world belongs the early birds That was my 24hours day!! |
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